Event & Gallery – Economics


               The Department of Economics organized an Intra Departmental Competitions on 6th March 2024 along with Department Association Function. The Chief Guest was Dr.A.Punitha, Associate Professor of Economics, Stella Maris College. Organizing Secretary, Dr.A.Rasheethabanu, Organizing committee Dr.M.Sivasankari, Dr.M.R.Selvarani, Mrs.T.Saraladevi and Dr.V.Punniakotti.


The Department of Economics organized an Inter Departmental Competition on 06.03.2023 along with Department Association Function. The Chief Guest of the function was Dr.B.P.Chandramohan, General Secretary, IEA, Director School of Management Studies and Commerce Vels University. Organizing Secretary Dr.A.Rasheethabanu, Organizing committee Dr.M.Sivasankari, Dr.M.R.Selvarani, Mrs.T.Saraladevi and Mr.M.Elumalai.


ACADEMIC YEAR- 2021-2022

The Department of Economics organized an Inter Collegiate Competitions  along with Association function on 11th May 2022. The Resource person was Dr.D.B.Usharani Vice Principal and Head, Department of Economics Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. More than ten Colleges have participated in the competitons., Organizing Secretary Dr.A.Rasheethabanu, Organising committee Dr.M.Sivsankari, Dr.M.R.Selvarani, Mrs.T.Saraladevi, Mr.M.Elumalai.



              The Department of Economics conducted National Webinar on 12.11.2021 at 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. The Resource persons of the webinar are Dr.B.P.Chandramohan General Secretary I.E.A and Rev. Dr.Fr.G.Vazhan Arasu Principal, St Aloysius College delivered Lecture on the topic “National Education Policy-2020 and Higher Education: Features and Challenges”. Convenor Dr.A.Rasheethabanu, Organizing Secretary Dr.M.R.Selvarani. Organising committee Dr.M.Sivsankari, Mr.M.Elumalai more than 120 participants benefited by the webinar.

The Department of Economics has organized a National Webinar on 29.03.2022 at 4.00 to 5.00 p.m. The Resource person Dr.A.Amarendar Reddy, Principal Scientist, ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dry land Agriculture Hyderabad, delivered an excellent speech related to the topic.Organizing Secretary Dr.A.Rasheethabanu, Organizing Committee Dr.M.Sivsankari, Dr.M.R.Selvarani, Mrs.T.Saraladevi, and Mr.M.Elumalai.


Inter Collegiate Competitions

The Department of Economics organized an Inter Collegiate Competitions along with Association function on 11 th May 2022. The Resource person was Dr.D.B.Usharani Vice Principal and Head, Department of Economics Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. More than ten Colleges have participated in the competitons., Organizing Secretary Dr.A.Rasheethabanu, Organising committee Dr.M.Sivsankari, Dr.M.R.Selvarani, Mrs.T.Saraladevi, Mr.M.Elumalai.



Department of Economics conducted Inter Departmental Competition along with Economics Association. The Chief Guest was Dr.A.Duraisamy Associate Professor of Economics, Madras Christian College.  Organizing Secretary Dr.A.Rasheethabanu, Organising committee Dr.M.Sivsankari, Dr.M.R.Selvarani, Mrs.T.Saraladevi and Mr.M.Elumalai.

Department of Economics organized Webinar on 30.07.2020. The first session resource person was Prof.S.Chinnamai, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Madras. Another resource person was Dr.Eswari Ramesh, Assistant Prof. of Economics, Queen Mary’s College for Women. More than hundred participants attended the Webinar. Convenor  Dr.A.Rasheethabanu, Organizing Secretary  Dr.M.Sivsankari, Coordinators Dr.M.R.Selvarani, Mrs.T.Saraladevi and Mr.M.Elumalai.