1. All students of the college are members of the College Library by virtue of the library fee they pay along with their college fees.
2. Each student can borrow one book at a time. Students will be entitled to the rules below to keep the book borrowed for two weeks from the date of issue. It should be returned on or before the due date specified on the due date slip. But it may be re-issued to the same person, if it is not in the meantime applied by others.
3. Re-issued book may be retained for a further period of two weeks, and not more than three. Such renewals will be allowed. The book should be produced before the Librarian for every renewal.
4. The Librarian may recall any book at any time, even if the normal period of borrow has not expired.
5. Dictionaries, Reference books which might be difficult to be replaced will not be lent out.
6. A student failing to return a book on the due date will be fined one rupee for each day the book is delayed, Sundays and other holidays are excluded.
7. A student who has to pay a fine or any other charge to the library will not be allowed to borrow books. Absence from college will not ordinarily be admitted as an excuse for delay in the return of books. The Librarian shall send to the Principal every Monday evening the names of students who have to be fined for delay in returning the books.
8. Students are expected to use all books with care. If a book is lost or damaged, the student responsible for it shall replace the book or pay the cost of the book to purchase a new copy.
9. All markings, underlining or annotation of books, whether already soiled or not, is forbidden. Every book will be examined as soon as it is returned and, if any book is found to have been marked, soiled or damaged, it will be reported to the Principal for disciplinary action.
10. The student shall be held responsible for all defects in the book if he does not point out at the time of borrowing.
11. All payments including fines shall be paid to the college office and the receipt must be shown to the librarian.
12. The library will be opened during the working days of the college from 9-30 a.m. to 4-30 p.m.
13. Books will be issued between 11-00 a.m. and 1-30 p m. on all working days.
14. Every student who wishes to take a book, shall fill in the application form and present it at the issue counter before 10 a.m. When returning the book the borrower must take back the form, otherwise, he will be held responsible for the book.
15. Books must be returned before 10 a.m. on the day when the library is kept opened. The dates on which the library will be kept opened during vacation will be announced before each vacation. Strict silence and decorum must be observed in the library. The librarian may refuse to issue books for breach of the rule.
16. The librarian shall bring to the notice of the Principal any student who might disturb the congenial atmosphere of the library and also those who damage or loose the books.
17. A student who takes out a book for consultation shall apply for it as prescribed in Rule No. 16, and shall return it
to the librarian before he leaves the hall, and in no circumstances transfer it to another person.
18. All complaints and suggestions should in the first instance, be made to the librarian, who will refer them to the Principal whenever necessary.