1. The executive management of C. Kandaswami Naidu College for Men, Madras, shall, subject to the general control of the Committee of the Management of Pachaiyappa’s Trust, Madras, be vested in the Principal of the College, assisted by a College Council.
2. The college council of C. Kandaswami Naidu College for Men, Madras, shall consist of the Principal, the Heads of Departments, a member elected by the Junior members of the staff and a member of the Committee of the management of Pachaiyappa’s Trust to be elected annually by that body.
3. The following subjects shall come within the purview of the College Council :
(i) Formulation of Courses of Study
(ii) Determination and Distribution of hours of work
(iii) Selection of Text books
(iv) Holding of Examinations
(v) Promotions
(vi) Award of prizes and scholarships
(vii) Equipment of the Library and Laboratories
(viii) Conduct of the Annual Sports and College Day
4. The principal shall ordinarily be bound by the majority opinion of the college council on all these matters, If, however, there should arise any occasion when he has to differ from such opinion, he shall then refer the matter to the Pachaiyappa’s Trust for the final decision.
5. In the event of the Principal over ruling the opinion of the council, he shall, before addressing the Pachaiyappa’s Trust on the matter, inform the members of the council of the reasons he proposes to address, so as to give them an opportunity of recording their views on the subject.
6. The College Council shall, as a rule, be consulted by the Pachaiyappa’s Trust with regard to all proposed changes in the staff, scope and policy of the college and such changes
shall not ordinarily be made if disapproved by a majority of the Council including the Principal
7. When Principalship or any other post in the College is about to fall vacant or falls vacant, the college council shall immediately proceed to consider the measures to be adopted for filling up the vacancy and shall report the same to the Pachaiyappa’s Trust as early as possible for their orders . The Principal in consultation with the Chairman of the Trust may temporarily fill up the vacancies except that of the Principal, for a period not exceeding three months provided that the temporary arrangements made do not entail increased expenditure and are duly reported to the Committee of Management of Pachaiyappa’s Trust.
8. Whenever permanent vacancies arise in the college, the Principal in consultation with the chairman of the Pachiayappa’s trust shall examine the qualification and general fitness of candidates for all such posts except that of the Principal and record his opinion theron and shall recommend the candidate or candidates whom he considers best qualified of approval of the Pachaiyappa’s Trust.
9. The budget of the College for each academic year shall be drawn by the College Council and be submitted to the Committee of management of Pachaiyappa’s Trust for approval before the first March of the preceding year.
10. The members of the college council shall have access at any time, when the college office is usually open, to the records and correspondence of the office except such papers as may be of a confidential character.
11. There shall at least be four meetings of the council in a year. Special meetings of the council can be held at the request of the Principal or any two of the members of the council.
12. A majority of the members of the college council for the time being shall form the quorum for its meetings.
13.The Principal of the college shall be the chairman of the college council and shall preside over the meetings. In his absence, the members present shall elect a chairman.
14. The College Council shall regulate the procedure to be adopted with regard to the summoning of its meetings and the conduct of business by circulation of papers or otherwise.
15. All questions arising in the college council shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the event of the votes including that of the chairman being equally divided, the chairman shall have a casting vote. The fact that the question was decided by the chairman’s casting vote shall be noted in the minutes.
16. Copies of the minutes of all the proceedings of the college council shall be submitted to the Pachiayappa’s trust within a fortnight after they are recorded.
17. The College council shall elect one of its members, other than the Principal, to be its Secretary to hold office usually for a year and eligible for re-election. The duties of the secretary shall be prescribed from time-to-time by the council.
18. As regards the students of the college, the Principal shall have exclusive control in matters of discipline and punishment and the council shall not be entitled to interfere therein. In cases of expulsion, however, the Principal may take its advice.
19. As regards the members of the teaching staff of the college, the council shall not be at liberty to interfere in matters of discipline and punishment. Should the Principal be of opinion that any member of the teaching staff ought to be fined, suspended or otherwise dealt with, he shall report the case to the Pachiayappa’s trust and act upon their orders.
20. The appointment and control of the clerical, ministerial and menial staff of the College shall be vested in the Principal, but an appeal shall be made lie to the Pachaiyappa’s
Trust against any order or suspension of dismissal by the Principal.